SATEL-TR489 is a mixed band UHF data radio transceiver module in a lightweight single PCB. It supports operation in the 400, 800, and 900MHz frequency bands (band support varies by region).
It features Satel’s latest 400MHz radio, allowing up up 14.4kbps with FEC on a 12.5 kHz channel or 28.8kbps with 25 kHz channels. For sensitive applications, industry standard AES 128-bit encryption is available. This small, light module is designed to be integrated into a host device, for instance for transfer of GNSS correction data in a land surveying rover or RTK base station.
In addition to the 400MHz band, the TR489 also offers operation in the 800MHz and 900MHz license free bands (depending on region). For the US market, the 900MHz band is used, with data rates of up to 115.2kbps.
400MHz compatibility spans a wide variety of SATEL modems with the 3AS/EASy protocol, with additional compatibility modes allowing for inter-operation with other radios including Leica, Topcon, Pacific Crest, Trimble, and others.