Tech Note: Configuring Satel EASy Pro+ 35W Radio


This technical note aims to guide users through the process of configuring the Satel EASy Pro+ 35W radio using the Netco Device software, particularly for setting up with survey equipment.

This guide is applicable to customers who need to apply a frequency table to the Satel EASy Pro+ 35W radio.

  • The user is responsible for following the steps outlined in this guide to configure the radio.
  • Technical support is available for any issues that arise during the configuration process.

Materials Needed

  • Netco Device software
  • Key file specific to the user’s company provided by Satel USA.
  • User-level password for software access provided by Satel USA.


Step 1: Install the Netco Device Software

  1. Download the Netco Device software from Satel USA’s official support page: Netco Device Software
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software on your computer.

Step 2: Access Permissions

  1. Open the Netco Device software.
  2. Click on the hamburger menu icon located at the top right corner and select “Permissions”.

Step 3: Upload Key File and Enter Password

  1. In the “Permissions” section, enter the provided password in the password field.
  2. Upload the key file.
  3. Confirm the message “Save Manager Settings: Operation Complete” appears, indicating successful settings update.

Step 4: Elevate User Level

  1. Enter the provided password in the “Userlevel Elevation Token” box.
  2. Ensure you receive a confirmation message stating the user level has been updated.
  3. Change the User Level from Assisted to Advanced.

Step 5: Connect to the Radio

  1. Select “Serial Interface” in the software.
  2. Set the baud rate to 115200 (or as required by your specific setup).
  3. Choose the correct COM port and click on “Connect”.

Step 6: Configuration

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions and use the user manual included in the software download to make necessary changes to the radio settings.


If you encounter any issues during the setup or configuration, please contact Satel USA or reach us out through the following:

  • Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday (excluding major holidays).
  • Phone: 408-973-1740
  • Email: